Transfusion medicine

Transfusion medicine is the branch of medicine that contains all features of the transfusion of blood and blood components including aspects related to hemovigilance. It includes subjects of blood endowment, immunohematology and other laboratory testing for transfusion-transmitted diseases. Management and monitoring of clinical transfusion practices, patient blood management, therapeutic apheresis, stem cell collections, cellular rehabilitation and coagulation. These blood components are then transported to a central location for treating like fractionation, testing and redistribution. These testing includes defines blood type and testing for infectious diseases. Whole blood is fractionated into red blood cells, platelets and plasma. Where plasma can be further refined into separate components such as albumin, clotting factor concentrates and immunoglobulin.

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    July 07-08, 2025

    23rd World Hematology Congress

    Zurich, Switzerland

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